Health Restoration is about getting to know yourself better.


33 William St. Ste. 10, Auburn, NY 13021
** Office hours by appointment **

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Will You Be the Connect or the Disconnect?

(Auburn, NY chiropractic healing news)
Be a part of the connection.

Welcome to chiropractic where relationships are nurtured for their brilliance.

The power of touch is shared and spread around the world.  It can  reduce much of the world's suffering.  

It all starts with relationships powering relationships. 
 Chiropractic is the fuel.

Multiple relationships are in action:

1. The brain powers the body with nerve energy.

2. The spinal cord as an extension of the brain, shares the energy and sends responses back to the brain.

3. Movement and function are related. 

4. Healing needs movement and movement needs healing.

5. Hands adjusting the  spine ignites the valuable relationship between the physical nervous system and the non-physical nervous system.

6. The adjustment's goals cannot be achieved without the teamwork approach of the chiropractor and the person receiving the adjustment.

7. A shared belief in the healing process helps expand the health of the world.  

Remember the movie, Pay it Forward?

One person  influences another and each one does the same.

If chiropractic changes the way you make your mark on the world, all the folks you come into contact with are blessed by your talents.  Let them know how chiropractic  can do the same for them. 

While some in the  world look at chiropractic under a critical microscope, calling it unscientific,  complaining that our current understanding of physiology still cannot explain its wonderful process, attributing its success to the placebo effect or calling it just a frivolous waste of money, we don't have to deny ourselves the gift it adds to our own lives.  

Remember, each person is a gift.
Chiropractic is a gift.
We can do great things together.

See you at the table...the adjusting table.

--Dr. Lisa 

--Your Health Freedom Advocate

Thursday, January 7, 2016

If You're Not On Fire...

I want you to be on fire for wellness.  If you're not on fire, you're missing out.

Only you can create the healing experience.

I can provide the healing environment, but you have to take it home with you in between your chiropractic visits. 

The most difficult thing to overcome is a disbelief that radical healing can happen. 

Many people are sick, suffering, drug addicted to pain meds, but not aware of it, debilitated by nutritional deficiencies but don't realize it or accept it.  People don't know what really helps revitalize the body. 

If you're one of them, check out the office and learn how to saturate your cells with the 2 critical energies. 

Expose yourself to something new.  Challenge yourself when you first want to reject it.
And finally commit to a new health routine.

Monday, January 4, 2016

What I Didn't Find at a Health Food Store

(Auburn, NY, chiropractic healing news)

Over the New Year's weekend I went out of town to visit family and I found myself at the local health food store.  I was hoping to get a quick supply of Magnesium because I did not bring my favorite Standard Process Min-Tran with me.

Although I had my other supplements with me, I wished I had Min-Tran and Zypan.  But I made due.  During the three hour drive during a small snow storm I developed some neck tension that I didn't want to turn into a headache.  My headaches seem to come on when I am over-scheduled, and dehydrated.  I took some other supplements in my usual stash and I did fine the rest of the day, but I always feel more rested and relaxed when I take Min-Tran.  Let's just say it is one of my favorites.

While at the health food store I looked at the different minerals they had and studied the labels.  I found a few good choices, but didn't like the price tags.  I looked up some brands on my phone to read up on them more, however, for only one day left on my trip before I was home again, I didn't want to buy any full bottles.

What this taught me was that once you are "spoiled" by a favorite brand: Standard Process, you just won't give them up.  I can read the ingredients listed on the Standard Process bottles.  I understand why certain food concentrates are paired together for a better, synergistic effect.

And the prices were much better with Standard Process overall.  Just looking at the varieties on the shelves at this health food store, a protocol I would offer would be half the price with ingredients I know are bio-available.

Why am I so hooked on Standard Process?  I have no real health complaints, and I want it to stay taht way for a long time.  When I try new products I feel the same.  But that wasn't the case with Standard Process.  I felt better, immediately.   And I had no complaints in the first place, so that means a lot.

With perimenopause lurking in the shadows, I don't want to feel the domino effect of changing hormones.  I've been very pleased with Standard Process.

So, it seems over the last few years I've lost my interest in health food stores.  I used to love browsing and buying new products.  But when it comes to supplements, I don't look anymore.

At the office, you have access to the same products I personally use.
Ask me about Standard Process for your Healing Experience.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Day One .......What to Expect

(Auburn, NY, chiropractic healing news)

Here is your opportunity to Create a Healing Experience!

We will discuss what the body needs and what your body is not getting from you.  Is this a criticism of you?  No, it merely means you haven't been exposed to this kind of information before

Please be ready for an initial 90 minute interview to discuss in detail how your body is impacted by past and present stress.  Trust me, the 90 minutes will feel like 10!  Your body will tell a fascinating story.

Our goal will not be to stifle symptoms.

We want to create a healing experience.  The art of medicine has made it possible to stop almost any symptom with a chemical, but the body was not made by God to be manipulated with toxic substances.  

So, allow yourself new information about the art of chiropractic. Chiropractic addresses the needs of the body.  The body has a special way of communicating it's needs and we want to give the body what it needs.  

From a chiropractic point of view we are concerned with the nervous system's ability to send survival function impulses through the spinal cord so every nerve going to the body's organs and muscles receive the best message necessary for life.  

The nervous system is impacted by the health of the spine.  

I will offer you a two step care plan that consists of
1- Chiropractic adjustments
2- Nutritional protocol to support healing tissues and feed over-stressed cells.